

The opportunity to promote the development of the future professionals.

Red Bull MotoBoost 2021 - KTM Call

KTM, Red Bull and MotoStudent is the second university challenge between team members of the VI Edition of MotoStudent, that must perform a complete design development choosing one out of the two topics available.


Red Bull MotoBoost KTM Call offers an extra boost to one of the MotoStudent members' career: a six months internship in KTM Factory Racing, Austria.

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Red Bull MotoBoost 2020

A university challenge between teams enrolled in the VI MotoStudent International Competition, that must perform a complete fairing development including winglets or aerodynamics devices to improve the performance of the prototype.


Seven members of the winning team will enjoy the experience offered by Red Bull & MotoStudent, in association with KTM and Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup, four days during the MotoGP Grand Prix.
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Last modified: Wednesday, 6 April 2022, 2:20 PM