Final Event


MotoStudent International Competition

The VII Edition Final Event will be held at MotorLand Aragón from 11th to 15th October, 2023.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Exclusive access for registered teams

Saturday and Sunday: Free Access

Caption text here

How to get here

MotorLand Aragón

Crta. A-2404, Km 1

44600 Alcañiz, Teruel (Spain)

GPS coordinates

N 41º074008’, W 0º189152’

How to get here

For further information, you can access MotorLand Aragon website



We do not advise you to have anything delivered to MotorLand before the Competition as the organizers cannot take responsibility for any deliveries.

Please, contact with the Organization if you wish to have anything delivered to MotorLand prior to the Event.


For the MS2223 Final Event, we require to all the teams to book an accreditation time in order to identigy all team members.

If you were enable to select an accreditation time, please contact with the organization via a ticket.

If some of the team members cannot make it in time, an extra accreditation table will be open from Wednesday 11th at 16:45 to 20:00, Thursday 12th and Friday 13th from 08:00 to 19:30. 




Food trucks will be avaliable at the race track from Wednesday 11th to Sunday 15th.

The circuit restaurant will be open from Wednesday 11th until Sunday 15th.

Cash and card payment will be avaliable in either services (the only cards accepted will be those published on the MotoStudent Regulations)

Event Schedule

The event schedule has been published in the Event Guide.

Event Guide for Teams

Event Schedule



MotorLand Aragón has a medical center habilitated for any minor injury.

For major injuries, the nearest public hospital is located at: 

Doctor, C. Repollés García, 2, 44600 Alcañiz, Teruel

If you have a private insurance company, the nearest private hospital is located at:



The MotorLand Aragon P1 parking will avaliable for free parking during the final event.

Motorhomes and caravans can park at the MotorLand Aragon paddock, as per final event code states.


Internet access

Internet access

Free internet access will be avaliable in the MotoStudent Paddock.

Regardless, we recommend to the teams to bring its own internet access and WiFi, for a better connection and a much secure network.

Last modified: Wednesday, 6 April 2022, 2:15 PM